Monday, 11 April 2011

Massive Wuss

I'm ill.

Like my whole head suddenly seizing up in pain everytime I move my neck or inhale ill, throbbing pulsating headache that occasionally cloudes my vision a little bit ill, like producing far too much mucus than is ladylike to describe ill.

Bet you love that last image.

Now that the fever and headache has abatted a little (the combination of pain killers and the antibodies in my immune system finally getting off their arses and doing something after a week of this) I can use a computer and find that I have ridiculous amounts of work to do.

No wonder my body is so rundown.

Of course, this is only a cold, if it was the flu I wouldn't be able to get out of bed but the problem with a cold is no matter how rotten you feel you still can't justify staying in bed all day even though you should probably.

Its that weird state between manflu and actual flu when you're too ill to function probably but still have to anyway.

I really think I need a holiday, on a beach with a bar serving cheap cocktails adjacent preferably.

Can anyone sort this out for me for all the money in my bank balance which is now ooooooh -£200 or so.

Ok, good, thanks.

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