Monday, 7 June 2010

Here we go again...

...So like many a self-important student with too much time on their hands before me, I have started a blog where I intend to ramble on about a variety of topics that I’ll pretend to be well informed on.

I have done some blogging in the past, never with much success, but I have always failed to feel much enthusiasm for it. It’s because I still recoil slightly at the thought of sharing so much personal information with people I’ve never met before, I even struggle to do that with the friends I’ve had for years. Blogging in part, is part of the beguiling internet trend in the last 10 years where people assume other people care about every facet of their menial lives or that they have a right to know about other peoples’. Then again, I’ve always been a notoriously private person. Also, I think what I’ve written in the past has been a little...flat. It has mostly centred around politics, a subject I’m passionate about but I still seem detached somehow because there is no flair or spark of humanity in it. Or something like that. Maybe I’m just not a very good writer.

I have always been a little reserved when it comes to expressing feelings or even alluding to the fact that I have them; I think it comes from the surprising amount of natural shyness and self-consciousness that I have been trying to get over for years. However, as of today I’m turning over a new leaf... or at least I’m going to try.

I don’t know exactly what I will write about, it’ll probably remain focused on politics but I might make room to ramble about my philosophical moments, but I’ll try to be more open and engaging and should probably start by explaining the title. ‘Pretty Vacant’ is a song by the Sex Pistols (though you should really already know that) and I did not choose it just to seem edgy and cool, there is a story behind it. I was told when I was a little girl that this song was ‘my song’ because it so accurately described me and my slightly ditzy nature.
‘We so pretty, oh so pretty, we’re pretty vacant’.

Parents can be so mean sometimes.

So that was something personal. Not bearing deep into my soul personal but it should give the internet population (or at least the small selection reading this) an insight into my character. It’s a start.

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