Wednesday, 18 May 2011


I hate the library.

I hate the people who just have to be crammed in next to me and just have to brush past me every time they have to get up (which seems to be every five minutes)and their friends that insist on leaning over me to talk to them for ages.

But most of all I hate revision. No matter how hard you try its never done, you never feel like you know enough, you feel like want you're learning will probably irrelavent.

What is worse though is that if you actually want to get any work done away from the distractions of Facebook and Glee you have to go to the library and you have to get there early. Ridiculously early.

I was not built for trekking to the library with the birds. I just spent 4 and a half hours there and I've had to come home to eat and rest because I was actually starting to feel physically nauseaous and could no longer see straight.

I call this library fever.

And now I'm going back for another couple hours of revision.

Its times like these when I kind of of wish I smoked because I would have a legitimate excuse to escape from the shackles of my chair legs every once in and while. I feel stupid just aimblessly wandering around the library and I can't keep going to Spar.

I can't wait till next Tuesday afternoon is over and I can have my life back.

Oh but wait, I still have an internship to do and I'm supposed to start working on my dissertation because I won't have much time this summer because of work experience.

No rest for the wicked.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Question Time

I really shouldn't watch Question Time anymore. It only makes me angry.

Watching it this week just enraged me, hearing the talk about Osama Bin Laden and watching how the usual reactionary drivel bandied about is met with the approval of the clapping seals in the audience.

One of the commentators and several of the audience members seemed to think that it was ok to contravene international law because Bin Laden is evil and they seemed to have the mistaken assumption that the West automatically takes up camp on the moral high ground.

There were voices of reason in the audience and on the panel but I just felt so frustrated that they could say all this stuff and I was stuck behind the computer screen unable to contribute my own opinion to the debate and could only vent on Facebook.

I have never been able to keep my mouth shut.

Maybe this is why I want to be a journalist because I feel so frustrated when people don't listen to me or I can't get my voice heard.

This could also be a sign that I am completely insane but whatever.